How to clean and disinfect door handles with natural remedies

THE door handles are some of the surfaces we touch the most during the day, so they are invaded with some ease by germs and bacteria. To avoid health problems, it is recommended to clean and disinfect them frequently, adopting a different method depending on the materials with which they are made.

Door handles are one of the surfaces we touch the most during the day. When we get up, when we come home from work with dirty hands, and inevitably we infect them with germs and bacteria, forgetting that we can put our health at risk, favoring the appearance ofinfections and allergies.

In time of covid, that could withstand up to three days on surfaces, it could be extremely dangerous. It is therefore essential to clean them and to disinfect them carefully during domestic tasks, choosing ad hoc products according to the material. So you can bet on natural detergents or chemicals that you can easily find on the market, the important thing is to follow a series of tips, so as to have a perfectly clean house.

How to disinfect the handles of

Those who do not intend to give up hygiene at home, especially in these difficult times, should not forget the door handles, which are among the surfaces most infected by bacteria.

Whether we use natural or chemical products, although the first option should be preferred, the important thing is to avoid using metal brushes, sandpaper, glitter, hydrofluoric acid or muriatic acid, which could damage the material.

clean the handles

Clean brass handles

As far as brass handles are concerned, the ideal is to opt for the “DIY” with a green product prepared with ingredients that we all have at home.

This is a solution of three parts water hot and vinegar, which must be left on the surface for about ten minutes before being thoroughly rinsed. If the handles are oxidized, you can cover them for 10 minutes with yogurt (even expired yogurt) and they will be like new. But when stubborn or green stains are present, it is necessary to rub everything with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol, and then pass a cloth soaked in red wine to remove all the dirt residues.

Of course there are also chemicals that you can easily find on the market, but most often they contain muriatic acid, a substance that can damage brass, especially old ones.

Clean steel handles

The products that you can find commercially for the steel cleaning, are usually very aggressive and abrasive, so to avoid deterioration, it would be better prefer natural remedies. You can opt, for example, for a solution based on water, dishwashing liquid and vinegar, capable of deeply disinfecting, or for a mixture of soda and water which has a high degreasing power.

If the goal is to simply shine the handle, you can spray a green cleaner made from vinegar and lemon or baking soda and water.

clean steel handles

Clean plastic handles

plastic door handles
are among the easiest to clean, since the products
aggressive elements are unlikely to damage them. So you can
be quiet and use disinfectant detergents with
bleach, but if you don’t have any at home, you can also
use a simple dishwashing liquid, the important thing is to rinse the

Those who want can also bet on a spray to wash
the windows.

Clean pvc handles

Often the door handles are in
pvc, in this case their cleaning requires very little effort.
To wash them and eliminate bacteria that nest on the surface
it is enough to pass a damp cloth soaked in soap
neutral and rinse with another clean, damp cloth with
water to remove all traces of detergent.

How to disinfect the handles of

The handles of cabinets, furniture
should be cleaned on a regular basis, such as the handles of
doors, since, being touched regularly, they find themselves
easily infected with germs and bacteria.

The room at
disinfect with the most attention is the kitchen, which undergoes
the attack of vapours, greasy and greasy substances. How
TO DO ? If you don’t want to use detergents
chemicals, there are two natural remedies.

clean cabinet handles


A more effective remedy to clean
cabinet doors and kitchen furniture is to create
a lemon zest solution. After cutting them
as finely as possible, it is necessary to put them in a
Bassine of hot water, leaving them there until the water
become warm.

You can then dip a sponge in the
mix and rub it on the handles.

White vinegar

The remedy made from white vinegar is even faster, more precisely, you will have to mix 2/3 of the product with 1/3 of water and put the mix in a bottle with the sprayer. Just vaporize everything on the surface to disinfect and pass a sponge to remove dirt residues to obtain impeccable results.

Up to you…

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